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Bliss Dollhouse Kit No 7 - VPDJN115


We are pleased to include with this, our 7th Bliss doll house kit, cardstock McLoughlin furniture for you to make along with wallpaper for the interior. Ken has built the main body of the house hinging the front to open for you and already attaching the hinged front door. He has also assembled the roof, the base, the front porch, and the stairs making it easier for you to complete.

Like all our other kits we've included lots of photos and complete assembly instructions.  When completed as instructed, your Bliss house may fool your friends into thinking it an actual antique. For this reason I suggest you may want to sign and date the bottom.

Size: 15-1/2"H by 9"W by 6"D

Scale: 1:24 or 1/2" scale

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