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Repurposing Victorian Celluloid Boxes for Doll Display - VPDJN77

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Repurposing Victorian Celluloid Boxes for Doll Display - VPDJN77
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Learn how to convert old and damaged antique celluloid boxes for doll display easily with my newest project. Includes a 4" mignonette clothing pattern from Amy Erickson, how to replace 3D relief sculpts missing, cover display platforms, remove old celluloid and replace, remove and replace interiors, and how to create darling items for display. Also includes 2 pages of mini product boxes for you to make, over 200 graphic images to decorate interiors, and 4 pages of 8 images printed on high gloss cardstock suitable for use replacing the old and worn. All these are reproduced from my antique paper display. I also tell you how to acquire old boxes to use for this project. 

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