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Model Book of Paper Dolls - VPD54

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Model Book of Paper Dolls - VPD54
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Most of what I produce for dollmakers are graphics taken from my antique paper collection. Alas, I was not fortunate enough to own this beautiful book of paper dolls but rather a friend loaned it to me so I could share it with all of you. It's called "The New Model Book of Dolls" published in 1904 by McLoughlin Brothers of N.Y. and it contains 6 wonderful pages of killer graphics paper dolls. I displayed them all cut out and framed for my studio. I saw someone else display them hanging on a clothes line with their dolls. Theriault's Doll Auction company sold an original for over $600 in their paper doll auction a few years back. We have bound it together to present it to you. This is a wonderful and pretty faithful reproduction of fabulous paper dolls.